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Cot Mattresses & Protectors

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Cot Mattresses & Protectors

When a new parent first puts together their shopping list of items to buy for their baby, a cot will likely be at the very top. However, what many buyers fail to think about is the value of buying a cot mattress and matching protector independently from the cot, allowing you to mix and match the ideal cushioned layering with the perfect frame for your room.

As the focal point of any nursery, the cot itself needs to be aesthetically pleasing and designed to suit the space – whether that be a natural wooden slat frame built with a rustic vibe, a plastic cot designed for practicality and ease of transportation, or a neutrally painted frame which oozes soft comfort and style. What lies inside it is up to you and should be chosen to provide a level of comfort which is perfect for your baby.

Buying a cot mattress

When it comes to buying a cot mattress, the first and most important thing you need to consider is the size of the cot and which mattress will provide completely coverage which sits flat but does not leave any empty gaps around the edge.

Many buyers and members look for ways to protect and pad out the inside of the cot frame for safety, and so it is worth noting whether or not this will impact the space left available for the mattress to slot into.

Other things to consider as you search for the perfect cot mattress is the thickness of the mattress base, how firm it is, how breathable the construction of the mattress ism and whether it is conducive to anti-allergens and other additional features.

The primary materials which can be used to make up your cot mattress include:

  • Foam

  • Coil Spring

  • Pocketed Spring

  • Dual Core

  • Natural Fibre

  • Hypoallergenic

Each of these boasts their own pros and cons, with most baby retailers recommending you opt for hypoallergenic mattresses if your family has a tendency to suffer from allergies and asthma, and otherwise choosing one of the alternative mattresses dependent on budget and any outside factors or concerns you have; for example whether or not you mind your baby sleeping on synthetic materials.

What is the value of a cot mattress protector?

No matter what mattress you opt for, the protector you place on top of it has the power to transform not just the comfort levels of the mattress but also its functionality, ability to protect your baby from all manner of dust mites, allergens and damp sheets, as well as expanding the lifespan of the mattress itself.

As with any regular sized mattress, mattress protectors and topper lengthen the lifespan by providing an extra layer for your body to mould to, without impacting the stability of the mattress too much. Cot mattress protectors in particular are designed to be super breathable to compliment the extra heat produced by a baby as they sleep, and often come with waterproof construction which will keep the mattress protected even if your baby has an accident in the night.

Buying a cot mattress protector comes with a couple of conditions, namely to make sure that the protector is slightly bigger than the mattress itself in order to provide a smooth finish for the baby. Other things to consider include the material used in your protector and how that may impact your baby’s comfort and/or health.

For the widest range of approved cot mattresses and complimentary protectors, head to specialist baby stores and retailers which are committed to providing the most comfortable night’s sleep.

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