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Moroccan Style Rugs

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Moroccan Style Rugs

Furnishing a home requires a fine balance of soft furnishings and pieces of furniture, designed to provide the optimum functionality and use of a room without it becoming a completely unwelcoming space. One thing we tend to find, particularly in modern and contemporary spaces, is that the reliance on natural materials and neutral colours can quickly drain a room of life and vibrance, leaving behind a space dedicated to its purpose with little in the way of decoration and warmth.

That’s where Moroccan rugs come in – embracing the colours and shapes of vibrant culture which is not limited to any one particular style but instead embodies so many popular and trendy looks in order to achieve the very best in the way of overall aesthetic.

The colours of a Moroccan rug

If you want to create something which is eye catching and appealing, achieving that finish with a ground level rug is an effective way of drawing the eye downwards and thus creating the illusion of multiple layers and textures within a space of any size of stylistic design.

One of the things we love about Moroccan rugs is how they use colour not just for the sake of it but as a complimentary element to their patterning, for example throwing together various shades of one colour in a pattern which could be reminiscent of the seaside, or else casting together two completely different colours in a pattern which represents the chequered nature of an international marketplace.

We find that many homeowners are surprised to find that a great deal of Moroccan rugs actually harness and embrace colours which seem far more Western that their warm and earthy Moroccan counterparts – and that is where we like to draw attention to the blending and use of colour as a phased transition rather than a stark and bold contrast.

The patterns of a Moroccan rug

The patterning of a Moroccan rug embraces and celebrates the value of angular lines and shapes in a finish which is perfectly imperfect – often using the weave of the fabric to create lines which are slightly blurred in contrast to the perfectly straight edges of modern furniture.

You will find that alongside the diamond and square shapes, Moroccan rugs also use a lot of curved edges and perfectly mirrored patterns to create a solid block of patterning which is extremely pleasing to the eye. These more curved shapes tend to work best in rustic spaces as they create a little repetition and contrast in an otherwise quite natural and informal space, while the blurred edges of the pastel shades and angular lines work really well at softening the neutral illusion created inside a modern space.

And then we have the Moroccan rugs that are crafted with tassels – with add-ons and materials making up the final piece of the decorative puzzle which adds texture and unique elegance to the overall space no matter what its design style. We tend to find that while modern homes look their cleanest with quite thin rugs which are there for aesthetic rather than comfort, thick pile and deep rugs are popular in living spaces and bedrooms simply because of the level of warmth they add to the room, and they way that they elevate the texture and illusion of different surfaces within a limited space.

To find the best Moroccan rugs this side of Morocco, head to homeware and high end designer rug retailers, as well as department stores and soft furnishing specialists.

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