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Seasonal Lighting & Tree Lights

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Seasonal Lighting & Tree Lights

As the festive period draws closer, the nights get darker and the house gets warmer with heating and atmospheric fires, our relationship with light also changes – with many homeowners pulling out fairy lights, winter candles and table lamps to create a warm and cosy feeling in the home. After all, while main ceiling lamps create sufficient visual light for us to see, they are not necessarily conducive with the creation of a really welcoming atmosphere – leading many of us towards the use of additional lighting options. Fairy lights, traditionally associated with Christmas, are now often regarded as much more of a year round thing, with many members heralding the use of fairy lights across the home in creating romantic and intimate spaces all through the year – both inside and outside. And yet, when Christmas comes around, we still find ourselves buying new sets of light with various new features, shapes and finishes.

The best uses of seasonal lighting and tree lights

First and foremost, fairy lights and seasonal lights are most commonly purchased to wrap around the Christmas tree – breathing life and vibrance into the thousands of needles and sitting amongst ornaments and decorations to create an eye catching centrepiece for the living space. Aside from the main Christmas tree itself, seasonal fairy lights can also be used to wrap around structures and pieces of furniture, to be draped over picture frames and items in the home, and can even be curled up and placed into a glass vase to create a really unique centrepiece for a table or surface which uses light in an innovative way. Other examples of seasonal lighting include standalone lights dressed in festive shapes and colours, seasonal candles (both real and fake), lanterns (both designed to sit atop surfaces and designed to hang in various places around and outside the home), and hanging festoon bulbs which are ideal for use outside and are particularly popular with those who are hosting festive get togethers and parties.

What makes a lighting solution seasonal?

Fairy lights have long been regarded as a seasonal lighting option, with their twinkling bulbs and various settings making them perfect for setting any kind of scene or mood. Retailers tend to stock a huge variety, including coloured bulbs, clear white lights and softer yellow lights, all with their own shapes and sizes and a vast variety of flashing and static light options. Other kinds of lighting tend to rely much more closely on colour and shape in order to make them seasonal, particularly with regards to candles and centrepiece lights which are often used across the home all year round and so need to showcase specific theming in order to be regarded as seasonal or festive.

What makes a great seasonal light?

The best seasonal lighting solution is one which captures the magic of Christmas and which brings the family together to enjoy the cosy and welcoming vibe of the home. Christmas tree lights in particular will always be a popular purchase with homeowners due to the fact that they really do elevate and lift up the overall appearance of the tree, with other kinds of seasonal lighting serving to draw attention to different areas and spaces across the home. For the best selection of seasonal lighting and tree lights, including fairy lights, candle lights and lanterns, head to department stores and lighting specialists – with most retailers offering a variety of options encompassing colour, shape and price as part of their differing elements.

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