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Garden Bar Tables

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Garden Bar Tables

When it comes to using and furnishing your outdoor space, some of us are driven towards the more traditional items of furniture such as a dining table and chairs, while others are attracted to the slightly more innovative concepts – using furniture as much for decoration as for practicality. With more and more homeowners transforming their outdoor space into unique and visually exciting spaces for entertaining and relaxing, retailers are seeing a huge influx in the number of buyers looking for garden bar tables as main pieces of furniture – using their versatility as a standing bar table for parties, a decorative surface, or a dining table during meal times.

What makes a garden bar table stand out?

The main characterising feature of a garden bar table is its height – standing much taller than a standard table, so that its surface is as conducive to a drinks reception of party as it is to meal times, providing you have the same level of dining chairs to match your bar table. It is this height which makes bar tables so much more versatile in many ways, able to be used both standing and sitting and creating an ideal surface which immediately adds levels and layers to your garden without even trying.

Things to look for in a garden bar table

Prior to purchasing your garden bar table, you first need to make sure you have a sturdy surface on which to put your bar table. One of the best things about these tables in particular is the wide array of sizes and shapes that the market boasts, with traditional small circular bar tables ideal for one or two diners / drinkers available through most retailers, alongside much more modern angular structures which extend further and provide seating for 4, 6 or even 8 diners or drinkers. Whatever your ideal size, we recommend putting thought into the construction method and overall aesthetic of the table, including the material that the surface and legs are crafted from. By elevating the table further from the ground, you are instantly opening the space up to let more light through – with the table actually becoming less obtrusive in a garden space than a traditional table due to its height and less block-like appearance. Some of the most popular designs take a solid wooden surface and place it atop a thin and ornate metal frame, creating something which is sturdy and strong but also reflects this ability to allow light to flow under and around the surface of the bar table. If you are looking for something a little more aesthetically different, or something which will stand out and provide more of a focal feature, consider the value of a table with innovative structuring rather than the standard table surface and four legs. Single central pillars have long been a popular method for creating small bar tables, while modern retailers have taken this and given it more grandeur with tiered ladder style structures and ornate detailing. Some have even taken on the concept of a more natural table and run with it, using a planter as the base with plants growing up and around the main table stand. Whether you are looking for the perfect structure for two, or a family dining table with a little added height for more of a unique garden styled finish, we recommend heading to garden centres, department stores and homeware retailers for the latest and greatest options on the garden bar table market.

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