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Draughtsman Chairs

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Draughtsman Chairs

One of the most common problems found across most offices is the reliance and assumption that every worker will fit the limited selection of office furniture on offer – not only in terms of height but also in terms of comfort, support, and design. Throughout the working week, many of us spend a large proportion of our time sat behind some kind of desk or workspace – whether it be a cashier in a supermarket, a desk worker or a teacher at a school. The challenge? Not all of these workstations operate at the same height. The solution? The draughtsman chair.

What is a draughtsman chair?

A draughtsman chair is one which, at its most basic state, sits taller than the average office chair; replicating a standard swivel chair in every area other than its height, with in the draughtsman design is elevated to provide a supportive seating solution for workspaces which sit higher than a normal desk. Common examples of situations when a draughtsman chair might be needed is behind the tills at a supermarket, where the worker needs to be able to sit down but also needs to sit hight enough that they are above the till – which is designed to be the right height for the shopper who remains standing. Finding this balance between a standing shopper and a seated worker is difficult – until you bring in the draughtsman chair, which is further elevated by the fact that it is often made to be adjustable and can be made even higher depending on your individual height and requirements. For those buyers concerned about leaving their legs and feet dangling above the ground – draughtsman chair designers have got you covered – incorporating a metal ring around the base which is suitable as a footrest. One of the most notable features of the chair is its ability to be spun in a complete 360, with the metal foot ring circling the entire base so that you have a footrest no matter which direction you are sitting facing. This is particularly ideal for those who work across an expansive workspace at height, and who constantly need to adjust their own positioning to do their work.

Things to consider when buying a draughtsman chair

The first thing you need to consider if you’re looking at a draughtsman chair, is whether the workspace you are buying for really does need an elevated height or whether an average chair with a little extra leverage could do the trick. A draughtsman chair sits taller than the average desk even at its lowest setting, meaning that it cannot be used across different spaces – only those which sit tall. The other thing to consider is whether you need additional features, for example adjustable arm rests and back support. All of these can come equipped with a high quality draughtsman chair, though you can expect to pay a premium. Some of the most common uses of a draughtsman chair, besides our supermarket employee example, include standing desk offices, where you want to stand all day but also would like to have the option of sitting down for a while without having to move all your work things, and in laboratories where you need a seat to perch upon as you work at height on the lab benches. Draughtsman chairs can be found in office furniture stores and specialist work chair retailers, with many stores advising you to go in and try out their different ranges before making a purchase.

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