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Bird Cages

From small individual bird cages which sit on surfaces in the home, through to large aviary style bird cages which sit outside and can house dozens of birds on a variety of perches at different levels, the market around bird cages has expanded as our desire to bring birds in our lives as pets has grown.

A great deal of this trend has come about as a result of consumers having more access to exotic birds from all over the world, with breeders and importers making it possible for homeowners to purchase all varieties of birds in a host of colours to become a part of their family life and brighten up their interiors in the most lively way possible – with one great example being the rise in pet parrots across the UK.

Different types of bird cages on the market

For those homeowners and bird owners looking to invest a little in a home perfect for their pet bird, one of the first things you need to do is establish where in the home you are going to place the cage – how it will allow your bird to interact with and engage with family members, how safe they will be from other pets and any potential predators, and how interesting and stimulating the surroundings are for them. While many believe that putting their bird cage by a large window is the best option, letting your pet bird see other birds flying around the garden may not be the best option – instead consider facing them opposite a mirror for increased visual interest, and put them somewhere central with lots of foot traffic through the home.

For those homeowners who are concerned about the aesthetics of the bird cage they choose and how it will impact the appearance of their home, there are a wide variety of cages now available which can be used both inside and outside and which are as decorative and attractive as they are functional. If you have more than one bird and wish to invest in a cage with plenty of space, upgrading from an indoor cage to something designed for the garage or shed – whether it’s a large aviary or more of a wall mounted cage – can be a really great way of expanding on the birds’ space without impacting the aesthetics of your home.

We also recommend considering cages which are easy to move about, allowing you to constantly change the visuals for your bird and giving you the option of putting their cage outside in the warmer months for fresh air.

Things to consider when you buy a bird cage

As well as the space available in your home or garage, and the space the birds need, another thing you need to consider is how often you will clean the cage out – ensuring that your placement of the cage makes it easy for regular cleaning. Another thing you should consider is how to bring extra stimulation into the cage besides a perch, with some investing in a variety of bird toys while others simply fill the bottom of the cage with various items and branches from outside to provide their bird with some natural entertainment.

And finally, make sure your cage is well maintained with the doors and hinges kept safely tight but still easy to open. You want to be able to open the cage when it’s safe for your bird to fly around and enjoy some freedom, but you don’t want a cat or other animal to be able to open the cage!

For the best bird cages according to different needs, head to homeware, pet specialist and department stores.

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