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Baby Changing Units & Tables

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Baby Changing Units & Tables

Bringing a new baby home is just one part of starting or expanding a family, with most new parents unaware of quite how much stuff a newborn requires. From cots to car seats, carriers, baskets, toys and changing tables, ensuring you have everything you need to support daily life with a baby is no mean feat – and it doesn’t stop with simply purchasing the items you need. One area that many neglect to consider is where exactly they need to place all of these items; making access as easy and pain-free as possible for a parent as they carry their baby between the cot and the changing table multiple times a day; reach for the child’s favourite toy, or pack a changing bag for a day out while still keeping an eye on the baby.

Ensuring you find the most suitable baby changing unit and table for your home

Making space for all your new baby furniture is a challenge that many homeowners face – and that’s why the market around baby products is so wide-ranging when it comes to the size and shape of various products. Some of our favourite baby changing units are design with built-in shelves and drawers, allowing you to stash away different items and products to allow for easy access but also maintain a neat and tidy finish. Parents will often find that in commercial and public places, the easiest baby changing units and tables can be folded out from their wall installation. While these are ideal for public use as they can be packed away to virtually nothing to maximise the space available in a public stall, changing units for the home as best selected on both their ease of use and their aesthetic value – with some of the best products using open shelving and large cabinet spaces built into a stylish overall design. Another option for modern homes is a chest of drawers with a changing table on top – ideal for smaller homes or for rooms where your baby will be sleeping alongside other members of the family; allowing others to use the drawer space in a move which provides additional storage not just for the baby but for the home in general.

Things to consider when you buy and install a changing unit or table

The first thing to consider is where you will locate your changing unit, as this influences not only the design of the unit but also the size you are able to purchase. We recommend acknowledging that while you might like to conceal the changing unit in a little-used room, the reality of having a new baby is that you will need constant and easy access to the table multiple times a day – and so placing it somewhere that is within easy reach of your other baby items and their cot is key to an easy life. Other things to consider are making sure you have suitable padded layers for the changing table top, and making sure you have a bin close by to eliminate the need to constantly walk back and forth between the table and your waste bin. In short, the baby changing unit and table is as much about convenience as it is about style and functionality, so make sure you give as much thought to the ease of use as you do to how it looks. For the best selection of baby changing units and beds with a plethora of designs and styles, head to specialist baby retailers and furniture stores.

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